Come & See Beginning Tuesday, November 26, and continuing for the next four weeks, Come & See will focus on the Sacrament of Penance/Reconciliation.
SVDP Christmas Food Drive Saturday, December 14, 8:30-10:30 a.m. RAIN or SHINE! Your support, through food or funds, makes a vital difference. If we raise $15,000, donations will be matched!
Women's ACTS Retreat The Women's ACTS Retreat will be held on March 27 - 30 at the Mercy Retreat Center
We Welcome Your Ideas Please use our new Parish Improvement Idea form to submit your ideas for improving our parish.
Liturgy of the Word for Children 9:00 a.m. Sunday Mass for children ages 3 to 2nd grade, mid-August through May
Pray for the Intentions of the Most Sacred Heart Join Sodalists for a holy hour of prayer for the reparation of sins and salvation of souls.