St. Patrick Casserole
Hunger Never Takes a Holiday
The St. Patrick Casserole Program consists of approximately 200 parishioners who provide spaghetti dinners to the homeless at St. Patrick Center in downtown St. Louis.
We divide our volunteers into 3 groups of about 70 people. St. Patrick Center assigns St. Clement parish approximately 18-20 dates each year. The 3 groups are assigned 6 dates per year so a volunteer provides food for the poor every other month. Each group member can choose to prepare a spaghetti casserole, provide a salad OR provide a dessert. You may use the casserole recipe we suggest or use your own recipe. Spaghetti casseroles must be frozen ahead of time.
The meals are delivered to St. Clement parking lot on the assigned day by 9:00 a.m. They are then transported to St. Patrick Center, heated and served to those in need.
The meals are delivered to St. Clement parking lot on the assigned day by 9:00 a.m. They are then transported to St. Patrick Center, heated and served to those in need.
In addition, our parish sponsors a Thanksgiving food drive for St. Patrick Center clients. Our volunteers also donate Thanksgiving staples so clients may prepare a Thanksgiving dinner in their home. We will provide a suggest list of items the clients need for their Thanksgiving Dinner.
St. Patrick, patron of St. Patrick Center, guide us in our service to those in need. Hunger Never Takes a Holiday
Collection Schedule - To print the schedule, click the document link on the right.
Please remember that all food must be dropped off by 9:00 a.m. in the church parking lot.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: I'd like to help feed the homeless at St. Patrick Center. How can I join this group?
A: There is always a need for more volunteers. Please contact any of us listed on the right for more information.
Q: How often will I prepare the meal?
A: Each volunteer will prepare a meal about once every six weeks.
Q: What day should I drop off my casserole?
A: Note the dates for each group listed under Documents on the right. We will send you a letter with your dates circled at the beginning of the calendar year or when you join us. The volunteers are divided in three groups. The dates for each group are posted in the bulletin and here on the calendar. If you're not sure of your group, please contact any of us listed on the right.
Q: Where and what time should I drop off my casserole?
A: We are in the parking lot to receive your casserole on the day that we serve, from 8:00 AM* until 9:00 AM. If you need to drop them off earlier, they can be left in the cry room on the left side of the church that morning. There will be empty casserole pans for you to take to the next delivery.
*PLEASE NOTE NEW CASSEROLE DROP-OFF TIME WILL BE FROM 8 AM TO 9 AM. This change is due to new morning arrival procedures for St. Clement pre-schoolers. If you wish to drop off your items before 8 AM please take them to the cry room on the left side of the church.
Q: What if I am unable to bring my food item on my designated date?
A: You may contact any one of us listed on the right to drop off your item in advance. We suggest you consider bringing your item the next date you will be in town/available even if it not your drop-off date. This helps us even out the amount of food delivered each time. See the list on the right for all 2022 collection dates.
Q: How are the casseroles prepared?
A: They must be frozen in advance and dropped off frozen.
Q: What kind of casserole do we make?
A: We always make spaghetti casserole.
Q: What container do we use for the spaghetti?
A: We will supply the foil casserole pan before you make your first casserole. We also leave empty casserole pans in the cry room during the week that we deliver to St. Patrick Center.
Q: I don't know a good spaghetti sauce recipe.
A: Check to the documents on the right for a suggested recipe. Just remember to use two pounds of meat and one pound of spaghetti.
Q: Do the desserts have to be frozen?
A: No. St. Patrick Center will accept homemade items or store bought items.
Q: What about the salad?
A: We ask that you provide 2 large bags of prepackaged lettuce and any toppings for salad such as salad croutons or vegetables.
Q: Are there any other needs throughout the year?
A: Yes, we have a Thanksgiving collection every year on the Monday of Thanksgiving week. We collect turkey and other food items. We place information in the parish bulletin and the website with more details about the collection. One area of need that continues to grow is the new Saint Patrick Center food pantry. There are 125 clients who shop there weekly. Saint Patrick Center would be incredibly grateful for donations to this community in need. Please see the attached Food Donations Wish List. This is an optional program for casserole volunteers. If you would like to contribute, we would be happy to take donations during our regular collection days. You may also visit the St. Patrick Center website and explore other ways you can help the homeless!
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