Our Hospitality Ministry includes Ushers and Greeters.
Our Hospitality Ministers preform their duties on weekend Masses and Holy Days of Obligation.On special occasions, Ushers and Greeters volunteer to assist as needed: First Communion, Confirmation, Holy Thursday and Good Friday Services, Holy Saturday Easter Vigil, Christmas Eve Masses (5 & 11 pm), and other identified parish Events.
Ushers: Their main function is to take up the offertory collection. Other functions, when necessary, include helping seat parishioners, helping the sick, etc.
At least one usher, the Captain, arrives 15-20 minutes before the start of Mass to look to the practical details of making the Church ready for the celebration of Mass. The Captain usually places the Bulletins in the rack in the Vestibule (before Mass), and he/she asks a family or individuals to take up the gifts.
At the end of each Mass, two Bulletin Distributers stand in the back of Church and offer Bulletins to the congregation as they exit Church.
Greeters: Their function is to welcome parishioners and guests before Mass as they enter the Church. By their warm friendliness, they are to make everyone feel at home. Greeters are expected to gather in the Vestibule 10-15 minutes before Mass is scheduled to start. Greeters normally take their seat in Church, just prior to the start of Mass.
If for some reason, an usher or greeter is unable to attend their normal Mass, notification of the Captain is preferred.
Contact People:
Ushers: Mary Andrews – 314.374.6357, [email protected]
Greeters: Nancee Evans – 314.974.3231, [email protected]